On the front of the porch is this ceramic and metal sculpture of a Archaeoconvularia Coelenterate fossil by Gerry Paul.

The fences we put in (mainly to keep the chickens out of the garden!) have to be beautiful as well.
This gate and small fence were designed by Judith, and made by Fil Guy (ironwork) and Kate Webber (copper peas) at Rylance Limited.
More recently, Rylance Limited have made this new fence (below) for us from corten steel, laser cut and then forged to create the fern frond like forms.
The Raven and group of Cockerel, Hen and Chicks were made by Kate Risdale.
These galvanised foxgloves were made for us by the very talented artist blacksmith James Wilkinson Blacksmith and they fit so well with our fence and native wild flowers: the orange flowers are Fox and cubs (Pilosella aurantiaca) and the yellow flowers are a type of Hawkweed.
Below, the patio has a range of sculptures, vintage jugs and other pieces we have collected over the years.
The boat and the chickens which sit on the roof of our garden room were made by Rosemary Blackmore, a very talented artist who’s studio is just up the road.
Many of the vintage jugs were given to us by Nigel’s parents and had been used by their family years ago.
Toby Winterbourn made this set of fern fronds for us which sit at the foot of this tree in the meadow.
Fil the snail (made from an old motorcycle chain) is on the fence behind -
Our Sculpture Collection
Having sculpture around the garden is very important to us, and we are always adding to our collection.
More recently we bought this magnificent sculpture of a horse by Andrew Kay, which fits perfectly in the meadow to the west of the house.
In the foreground of this photograph and in the photo below are pottery echinacea made by local artist Rosemary Blackmore, her studio is just a few minutes away from our garden.
These poppy seed heads were made by Su Cloud, who takes her inspiration from nature.
This amazing and very life-
Nigel made the sculpture of reed mace from slate and steel which sits in the stream in the bog garden.
In this picture are two of the three fish made for us by Helen Godfrey.
One of the first sculptures we bought is this fantastic resin sculpture by Kate Denton called the ‘The Dreamer’ -
These wooden mushrooms were made by local tree surgeon Joel Freire who has a very creative side.
Here, also, are the five ceramic poppies which we bought from the Tower of London installation -
The image below was taken in August 2014, with less than half planted.
This cow parsley sculpture by Toby Winterbourn looks perfect in this meadow. The detail in each ‘flower’ is remarkable.
As well as a couple of our chickens, in this photograph are the Ewe and Lamb by Rupert Till.
Welcoming our visitors is this wire barn owl, made for us by Barry Sykes of Animals in Wire.
The barn owls that live around us often hunt up and own the road.